Local implementation of Nightscout

In addition to the recommended Heroku installation, it is technically possible to install Nightscout locally:

  • Linux based install (Debian, Ubuntu, Raspbian) install with own Node.JS and MongoDB install (see software requirements below)
  • Windows based install with own Node.JS and MongoDB install (see software requirements below)
  • Vagrant install

Software requirements

Installation on Linux

As a non-root user clone this repo then install dependencies into the root of the project:

$ npm install

Installation notes for Windows and Node 10

  • See install MongoDB, Node.js, and Nightscout on a single Windows system, if you want to host your Nightscout outside of the cloud. Although the instructions are intended for Windows Server the procedure is compatible with client versions of Windows such as Windows 7 and Windows 10.
  • If you deploy to Windows and want to develop or test you need to install Cygwin (use setup-x86_64.exe and make sure to install build-essential package. Test your configuration by executing make and check if all tests are ok.
  • There may be some issues with Node 10.6.0 or later with Nightscout. Node 10 support will be in the 0.11 release. Please don’t use Nightscout with (Node 9 or) Node 10 at this moment.

Vagrant install

Optionally, use Vagrant with the included Vagrantfile and setup.sh to install OS and node packages to a virtual machine.

host$ vagrant up
host$ vagrant ssh
vm$ setup.sh

The setup script will install OS packages then run npm install.

The Vagrant VM serves to your host machine only on, you can access the web interface on

Setting environment variables

Easy to emulate on the commandline:

echo 'MONGO_CONNECTION=mongodb://sally:sallypass@ds099999.mongolab.com:99999/nightscout' >> my.env
echo 'MONGO_COLLECTION=entries' >> my.env

From now on you can run using

$ (eval $(cat my.env | sed 's/^/export /') && PORT=1337 node server.js)

All information, thought, and code described here is intended for informational and educational purposes only. Nightscout currently makes no attempt at HIPAA privacy compliance. Use of code from github.com is without warranty or support of any kind. Please review the LICENSE found within each repository for further details. Use Nightscout at your own risk, and do not use the information or code to make medical decisions.